After the successfull trial last season, testing the compatibility of chiropractic and triathlon coaching, we felt strong enough to tackle a new challenge. With the experience and lessons learned firmly tucked under out belts we decided to double the size of our atheletic contingent from one to two athletes, and to extend the duration of trial from a couple of months to a whole year. This should, by my logic, give us very good chance to address any injuries and physical problems first, prior to working on performance enhancement, as well as providing a more solid foundation for improving athletic performance.
SCC Ltd and Sound Coaching have decided to form a triathlon race team - Team Core Motion. This is strictly an invitation only elite racing team with all members sponsored by SCC and Sound Coaching. Our two triathletes this coming year are Libby and Karl Free. You can read about the goings on of the Team on this website, clinic Facebook site, Twitter, as well as their respective blogs.
Libby's Blog:
Karl's Blog:
Stay tuned, this is going to be an interesting year!
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MJ: It is new year and new tricks, I hope you have enjoyed your off season and it's almost time to get to work again. What have you been up to over the last couple of months?
KF: November and December has been my off season. I’ve been training but really only just ticking over maintaining some fitness with no real schedule or weekly plan. I’ve used these months to socialise with friends and have certainly enjoyed the social events throughout December. Also I’ve been over indulging in the rich Christmas foods along with consuming too many beers plus red wine.
LF: I have been trying to maintain a reasonable degree of fitness so that it doesn't seem as hard to get race fit come March/April. I have been working hard on developing the different pedalling technique that Nick has introduced. I feel like this is coming along really well and will be excited to see just how much better a cyclist I have become (hopefully!) I have been spending time on the core exercises that Mika has shown us. These were quite difficult at first but they are becoming much more second nature now. I have been seeing Mika regularly to address a few small injury problems that have not completely prevented me from training but have been restrictive at times. His help and support has been second to none. It is great to have him there to assist whenever I have needed some attention.
MJ: Where do you feel you are at this precise moment in comparison the same time last year -what has changed?
KF: I’m in a much better position this year as last year I was still recovering and building strength in my knee having recovered from surgery. I was unable to train effectively or complete any base training. Compared to previous years my fitness and focus are much higher. Team Core Motion has given me the extra focus and determination. With the specialist input I feel privileged to be receiving from Mika Janhunen - Shepperton Chiropractic Clinic and Nick De Meyer- Sound Coaching; I really want to take my performances up a level.
LF: My swimming is at the same stage as it usually is during the race season which is very encouraging. Normally at this time of year my swimming speed really drops and I struggle to get back to where I can be. This year I have maintained the speed I had whilst racing last year so hopefully there is more to come before the racing actually starts.
MJ: You have been doing a few different things with your off season training this year, what kind of an impact has that had on your fitness levels and overall performance?
KF: I have been focusing on Core strength/balance - initially I was identified as being very weak in this area and I’ve noticed my body change with the progression in strength as I’ve moved from the basic set onto the intermediate exercises. I’m soon to progress onto the advanced exercises with Nick so expect more beneficial changes to the body. I’ve received regular Chiropractic treatment from Mika which really feels to have corrected biomechanical problems in my spine and legs. I certainly feel more balanced, even and comfortable when exercising. Also I’ve suffered I few niggling pains along the way which have been swiftly solved by a visit to Mika. Nick has provided specialist bike position and technique input - I now feel more powerful and efficient turning the pedals. Despite not training hard I’ve managed to maintain fitness close to the levels I held during last race season with all these changes which makes me feel very positive about the upcoming season.
LF: The changes that Nick has made to my bike set up has allowed me to become a more efficient rider. I feel like I have improved in climbing hills with the new pedalling technique and this in turn has improved the way I feel when running off the bike. I think my legs aren't quite as heavy when running off the bike compared to the way I used to ride.
MJ: Give us a bit of insight, what's happening next? When are you starting your proper pre-season training, and how is that different from the off-season?
KF: I started my proper pre-season training from the beginning of January. I’m now training to a schedule, with planning going into each session and focus. I’m now aiming to progress my fitness and performance levels over the next few months. I may take part in some running races anything from 5K-half marathon, where I’ll be using these as intense training.
LF: Well I think it is really time to push on now and get down to serious business - no more "off season" excuses. There will be more structure to sessions and still incorporating the core exercises. The number of reps with increase in the sessions. Also, as I am focussing more on the half ironman distance, I will factor in a longer run on a regular basis.
MJ: When (and where) are you in action for real for the first time this season?
KF: I’m undecided at the moment. I’m looking towards the Ballbuster Duathlon (around Boxhill, Surrey 5 times in total) - 8mile run/24mile bike/8mile run, but I’m not yet entered as the race date is 3rd March which may come too soon for me. Otherwise the Marlow Duathlon on 18th March - 7k run/25k bike/7k run.
LF: I think I might have taken leave of my senses last week when I decided to enter the spring ballbuster. This duathlon takes place in March around Box Hill in Surrey and involves going up Box Hill 5 times - 2 running and 3 cycling. This certainly will blow the cobwebs away and get the season started. The only good thing is I haven't attempted this race before so it'll be a PB to start the season.
MJ: Have you entered many races for the season already, any good ones?
KF: I’ve not entered all of these but the early season plan should look like this;
03Mar - Ballbuster Duathlon or 18Mar Marlow Duathlon
01Apr - Diss Duathlon
15Apr - Cambridge Duathlon
06May - 70.3 Ironman St Croix
26May - Beaver Middle or Standard Triathlon
10Jun - Barton Marina Triathlon.
17Jun - 70.3 Ironman UK
July & August races undecided yet.
LF: After suffering the cold conditions of Box Hill in March, the next place I will be racing couldn't be more different. The next destination is the US Virgin Islands for St Croix 70.3. This is a race that I have read about for a few years and really wanted to take part in. Mainly due to the fact that the location looks beautiful and the people extremely friendly but also because you can qualify for both the World 70.3 Champs and the World Ironman Champs. This will be a tough race due to the weather conditions which will be hot and humid. The other race I have already entered is UK 70.3 which takes place at Wimbleball Lake in Somerset in June. This will be my third time competing in this race and on both previous ocassions when I have crossed the finish line, I said "never again". It is amazing how you forget the pain of the 52 hills in 56 miles and the tough hilly run course.
MJ: What is the season highlight going to be for you this year?
KF: Travelling to St Croix in the US Virgin Islands will be amazing as it’s a beautiful place and one of the most iconic races on the world circuit. At this race we have the opportunity to qualify for the Ironman World Championships in Kona, Hawaii over the full distance or 70.3 Worlds held in Las Vegas. One of these venues would be the highlight for the season and 70.3 Ironman UK provides another opportunity for Las Vegas. At this stage the 70.3 Las Vegas is the season target with Kona the Long term aim.
I’m also looking forward the continued work and progression with Mika and Nick at Team Core Motion.
LF: The highlight has to be St Croix 70.3 at the moment as it is a race I have wanted to attempt for some time but due to other plans and the time it takes to travel to the location it has not been possible. However, if I qualified for the World Champs at this race then I am sure that would become a bigger highlight - here's hoping.
Stay tuned, next interview will be posted in a while. For release date you can follow us on facebook or twitter (@ESFChiropractic).
You can read the previous interview (Oct 2011) by clicking here, TCM1
I was in so much pain last week I couldn’t imagine that I would feel this much better in 7 days
Heather PenncockI first went to Mika About 2 months ago. I could not walk straight line or very far. I was also in pain as I have had two knee replacements. After about 3 weeks I can now walk upright and in a straight line. Also a lot of pain relief. I cannot recommend this practice enough.
Frank WhittingtonI have been working with Dr Mika Janhunen of Shepperton Chirorpactic Clinic for four years. During this time he has not only been able to help me overcome various niggling injuries and to enjoy better health, but has been able to improve the performance of a number of my golf coaching clients as well. His detailed knowledge of the human body and the complexity of the golf swing movement pattern is virtually unrivalled in terms of results that I have ever seen. I will continue to refer my players to see Mika, and would encourage anyone to do the same.
Rob Watts, PGA Golf Professional